Benjamin Franklin
poêle, cheminée
Date de publication :
Publication en anglais à Philadelphie de “An account of the new-invented Pennsylvanian fire-place, wherein their construction is particularly explained; Their advantages above every other methods of warming rooms demonstrated; and all objections that have been raised against the use of them answered and obviated. With directions for putting them up, and for using them to the best advantage. And a copper plate in which the several parts of the machine are exactly laid down, from a scale of equal parts. Philadelphia; Printed and sold by B. Franklin. 1744” Cette cheminée fut au préalablement réalisée en 1742, et son plan fut publié en 1744. Cette cheminée fut importée en France par Fossé et Barbeu-Dubourg . Elle fut appelée en France Cheminée ou chauffoir de Pennsylvanie. Elle comporte un certain nombre de pièces moulées en fonte. Le texte fut traduit en Français et édité à Paris 3 décennies plus tard, en 1773.
Publication in English in Philadelphia of "An account of the new-invented Pennsylvanian fire-place," their construction is particularly explained; Their advantages above all other methods of warming rooms demonstrated; and all objections that have been raised against obviated. With directions for putting them up, and for using them to the best advantage. And a copper plate in which the parts of the machine are exactly ugly down, from a scale of equal parts. Philadelphia; Printed and sold by B. Franklin. 1744 "This fireplace was previously made in 1742, and his plan was published in 1744. This fireplace was imported in France by Fossé and Barbeu-DubourgElle was called in France Chimney or heater of Pennsylvania. It comprises a number of cast iron castings. The text was translated into French and published in Paris 3 decades later, in 1773.