Date de publication :
1er Janvier; An Account of an Engine that consumes smoak, shown lately at St. Germans Fair in Paris. Communicated by Mr. Justell, secrétaire de la Royal Society. Extrait de “The Philosophical Transactions” of the Royal Society, Londres , P78.Description d’une machine qui consume la fumée, montré dernièrement à la foire de Saint Germain à Paris, (Traduction J.Jumeau)Ndrl: La machine qui consume la fumée de Dalesme, sera souvent présentée plus tard comme la machine de Justel
January 1st; An Account of an Engine that smoak consumes, shown lately at St. Germans Fair in Paris. Communicated by Mr. Justell, Secretary of the Royal Society. Excerpt from "The Philosophical Transactions" of the Royal Society, London, P78.Description of a machine that consumes smoke, shown recently at the fair of Saint Germain in Paris, (J.Jumeau Translation) Ndrl: The machine that consumes the Dalesme smoke, will often be introduced later as Justel's machine
1月1日; 一份关于烟雾消耗发动机的报告, 最近在巴黎St.Germans 博览会上展示。由皇家协会的秘书长Justell先生传达。摘录自伦敦皇家协会的“哲学议事录”,第78页。消耗烟雾的机器描述,最近在巴黎Saint Germain博览会上展示(J.Jumeau 翻译)注:消耗Dalesme烟雾的机器,随后经常会作为Justel的机器推出.